Poor Billy’s Almanac

My name is Billy Oxley and I’m from a middle-class family in Los Angeles, CA. I won multiple state athletic titles in high school. Then, I became a frat boy in college and had some interesting errr… regretable life experiences. After college I joined a Series A Kleiner Perkins-backed startup and learned a lot of lessons about capitalism, exploitation, tech, and what I want out of life. Most recently, I wrote the largest daily crypto newsletter.

[Poor Billy’s Almanac is play on Benjamin Franklin’s newsletter, Poor Richard’s Almanac, the first personal newsletter in American history.]

Why you should subscribe

I’m in the middle of figuring out my life and what I should spend my time doing. Because of this, I’m also re-discovering who I am and where I receive joy. Day by day I’m re-learning how to be present, how to be human, and how to be more comfortable. I guess this process never stops, and, I’m learning what’s important before I let it slip away.

This newsletter is covering the journey. I write about the fun things I’m learning, and experiencing, and questions I’m grappling with. I’ll write a Hemmingway book review one week, my experience in a foreign country the next week, and answer the question “Why the political middle is actually fringe,” the week after that.

Common themes I tackle:

Purpose. Culture. Capitalism. Historical figures. Tech industry. Human Condition. Psychology. Philosophy.

My beliefs

I believe we should read more classics, write more journal entries, take more time for ourselves, live at our own pace, have access to basic human rights, spend more time with friends and family, spend less time at work, and empower people to work on what they want to work on when they want to work on it.

The only noble thing to do is create.

Join me.

Subscribe to Poor Billy's Almanac

Billy's not so personal online diary.


Hi there, I'm Billy. Fromer athlete and investment banker who just scaled the largest crypto newsletter. This is my personal newsletter. I want to redefine our personal and societal value system.