Hi it’s Billy. I have been meaning to write this newsletter for a long time.
I decided on a format that will bring value to you, be easy to repeat, and fun to write.
Because you should only play games where you win no matter what.
And, even if the newsletter doesn’t blow up I get to
1/ Learn
2/ Work on my writing skills.
The format is 6 things …
One Tweet
The 5 most dangerous words in the English language.
“I will do it tomorrow.”
“Perfectionism is the mother of procrastination.”
— Source unknown
Procrastination is a sexy creature. We like her because she won’t judge us or reject us and she’ll always be there.
Company: Commit Club.
Here’s how it works.
You select a challenge, deposit money (you can do it for free, but don’t be a coward.), get accountability partners, and do a daily check-in. Commit Club will pay you when you hit your goal.
I love the idea of accountability-as-a-service. Combine it with blockchain technology and I’m sitting criss-cross applesauce like I’m watching the Veggie Tales in 1st grade.
As more apps go on-chain (blockchain ledger), they will be able to seamlessly communicate with each other. In the future, Commit Club will know if I did my 15 minutes of DuoLingo and either pay me for my productivity or charge me for my laziness. Cool, no?
Person: Thomas Nast (1840-1902)
German-born American who ended up becoming the father of American cartoons.
He created the modern version of Santa Claus and the elephant symbol for the Republican party. He also popularized Uncle Sam and the Democratic Donkey.
Nast is also famous for being a critic of Democratic Representative Boss Tweed, a corrupt politician from New York City who died in jail. This Tweed was a bad mf (he stole ~$25m+ from taxpayers). Back in Nast’s day, Republicans and Democrats meant something much different than today.
Cartoons are a dying art. I’ve never read them, but it was the first meme format in the U.S. and most of the people I know that read them are smart. Maybe someone like Tim Urban will bring them back.
WORD: Sepia
A reddish-brown color, named after the rich brown pigment derived from the ink sac of the common cuttlefish Sepia.
I guess all the girls know about this one because it’s an Instagram filter.
I miss the old Kanye.
Reply to this email to let me know if you liked the edition or think I could have done something better!
Down to chat if something resonated with you!