Happiness isn’t a destination. It’s a process. Happiness is found by embracing the daily habits that bring us closer to our purpose; closer to the person we want to become.
Becoming the person you want to be is uncomfortable. When you grow shit changes. Your family will disapprove and miss the person they grew to love. You stop talking to friends who don’t fit into your purpose. You quit habits you use to love → drinking every weekend, watching mindless TV shows.
You have to embrace that discomfort. If you don’t embrace the discomfort, you delay the journey to happiness and make it more painful in the long run.
People optimize for short term pleasure over long term happiness, because it’s easier.It’s why we have so many obese people, alcoholics, and “coulda woulda shoulda’s”.
The process is simple. The execution is hard.
Here are 9 simple daily habits that are hard to keep up with, but make me happy:
Going to sleep before midnight
Wake up before 8am
Read a physical book for 15 minutes
20 minute walk without my phone
60 minutes of focused writing
5 social interactions
Work on a meaningful project
5 minute journal
Avoid carb heavy meals
Everyone has their own process’, but the core tenants of being healthy, having a clear mind, focusing on my craft, being a social creature, and reflecting, are very important for my well-being.