Some phrases I hate:
“College was the best 4 years of my life.”
“I can’t wait for the weekend.” (that means 71% of your week is a waste of time)
“I don’t love what I do but it pays the bills.”
I understand some people prioritize their lifestyle. But what does that really mean? Your lifestyle IS your life. There is no difference. There is a simple framework for deciding things we should prioritize. Does this give me energy?
Hanging out with a certain friend
Shooting a basketball
Doing excel models
Novelty wears off. Even if you love doing something, you aren’t going to enjoy it 24/7. Still, the things you consistently put your energy and attention towards should serve us. We shouldn’t be serving them. Life is a game of balances. If you put your energy and attention towards things that TAKE more than they GIVE you will lose the game.
There are 3 things that really matter in the game of life.
Finding your purpose
Doing what you love
Making a living
If you can find a way to satisfy these three things you will be happy.
When you follow the path everyone else is on, you cross one thing off the list - MAKING A LIVING. This is the easiest thing to do. There are millions of jobs that will pay you a living wage. There are only a few things that will give you purpose and energy.
This means we have to make tough decisions:
Distance yourself from a friend
Give up on a dream (or your dad’s dream)
Quit a high paying job
We get so much of our self-doubt and fear of rejection from our parents. They tell us we should be realistic, talk a certain way, and present ourselves properly. We love our parents, but this is our life. They don’t know what is best for us. Only we do.