“I will do it tomorrow.”
These are the most dangerous words in the English language. The sad thing is, most people are addicted to tomorrow.
People who are addicted to tomorrow will always be addicted to tomorrow. You can’t change them. They believe happiness comes with the territory. They are entitled to happiness because they are alive.
Nobody is entitled to happiness.
Working towards happiness isn’t fun. It is dragging yourself out of bed at 10:53pm to let the dogs out so they don’t poop in the house and stink up your living room when you wake up so you don’t get your morning off to a bad start and look at twitter before giving your brain time to settle and you react angrily to the first thing your wife says because you didn’t let the dogs out at 10:53pm.
Becoming the person you want to be isn’t fun. You have to find fun in small wins → taking the dog out to poop, writing for 90 minutes every morning without distraction, going the extra mile for a loved one.
I love small wins. They gave me life. They make me happy. If I get enough small wins in a day, I don’t care about the results.
Happiness is waking up each day and proving to yourself who you are. We hold ourselves accountable because no one really cares about our lives the way we do. We all live in our little worlds of meaning. Each one of us sees reality through our lens.
The day you stop being addicted to tomorrow is the day you start the road to happiness.